SEAMATE MARITIME INTEGRATED SERVICES LTD is an indigenous maritime company incorporated in the year 2007. 100% African-owned company operating as maritime and shipping for over a decade, our operations have been under the management of experienced management, leadership, and trained marine professionals in the public and private sectors; that have demonstrated support operations, effective management, and leadership capacity.
SEAMATE is a fully licensed shipping company with NIMASA and registered by all maritime regulatory bodies such as NIMASA, DPR, and many others, SEAMATE is listed on the D&B Dun database with registration No 561378707 for international verified and recognition business.
Seamate: vision as an indigenous licensed maritime and shipping company is to take the lead as an African indigenous enterprise providing solutions for the oil and gas, maritime, and shipping industry, focusing on East, West and the rest of African countries.
Our business outlook and value proposition cuts across the whole of Africa Tran-Africa coastal highway to delivery supply value chain to the continent; leveraging on the framework and the opportunity of the recently signed African continental free trade area (AFCFTA), signed by 54 of the 55 countries in Africa.
Seamate managements undersigned are committed to improving Health, Safety, Security, Environmental and Quality assurance standards performance across our marine, maritime and shipping operations We intend to play our part both in our operations and collectively with our clients and third parties contractors in the industry; to help identify HSSEQ problems and take actions that will deliver the Safety and Solution.
Leadership and Commitment:
Seamate leadership and management are committed to ensure seamate HSSEQ objective are achieve with the 6 policies and engagement with all our employees and contractor staff and with management supports, involvements and commitment as HSSEQ champions.
•Health policy •Safety policy •Security policy• Environmental Policy• Quality Assurance Policy •Drugs and Alcohol Policy
We will continue to review our HSSEQ polices and process to ensure it fit for purpose to deliver it intent objectives, Using management of change, management review and business assurance audit and inspections for our maritime business continuity.
We are committed to provide sustainable business solutions to the maritime and resource industries in Africa in line with UN SDGs; focusing on delivering : Sustainable business, Safe, Secure and Clean maritime environment for all
Signed : Seamate Management